
Connected & Automated Mobility 2025: Realising the benefits of self-driving vehicles in the UK

Organisation: HM Government

Date of Publication: August 2022

Uploaded to Knowledge Centre: 21 September 2022


Connected and automated mobility (CAM) is no longer a tantalising prospect from science fiction: connected and self-driving road vehicles are here today.

These technologies could play an important role in how government improves and levels up access to transport across the nation. In the coming years, connected and self-driving vehicle technologies could also bring vast economic benefits to the UK, creating an industry worth billions of pounds and generating thousands of well-paid, skilled jobs across the country.

Government established the Centre for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CCAV) in 2015 to bring together CAM technology developers, vehicle manufacturers and suppliers, academia, insurers, local and regional government, and transport bodies, among many others, to test and develop policy and to build UK capabilities and supply chains. Through this collaboration, the UK is moving towards a new era of mobility that safely embraces innovation and technology.

Government’s role going forward is to help realise the transport, economic and wider societal benefits that CAM could unlock.

Government has set out nine principles that help define its vision for future transport and guide how we can harness the opportunities and mitigate the unintended consequences of profound changes in the way we travel. The government’s approach to CAM, set out in this paper, has been developed with these principles in mind.

Access the paper via the gov.uk website:
