
The HEA have recently announced the release of a new HERS card for the Highways Registration Scheme. The Experienced Worker card is aimed at operatives with more than one years’ experience in the industry but do not currently hold or in the processes of a relevant  NVQ qualification. The card is valid for 18 months and will be available up until 31st August 2022.

In support of this new card HEA/HESA have now released an e learning platform for the delivery of 101>106 and 201 training courses. One key prerequisite to this e learning is that the learner must have held a full occupation HERS card for 5 years or more.

Full details can be found on the HEA website with the links below.

Arriving 26th August 2021 – e-Learning – Highway Electrical Association (thehea.org.uk)

HEA Supports the Industry with the Experienced Worker HERS Card – Highway Electrical Association (thehea.org.uk)