A very interesting article on the new code of practice by Dominic Browne in the latest Highways on Fridays Magazine https://www.highwaysmagazine.co.uk/The-Long-Read-New-code-new-beginning/4431?utm_source=Highways+MASTER&utm_campaign=29708c71f9-Highways_on_Fridays_27_October_2017_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_b1f015d01b-29708c71f9-304276109
UKAS, ASCB – ARTSM accepts both. UKAS stands for the United Kingdom Accreditation Service. UKAS has been appointed as the National Accreditation Body for the UK. This means they perform accreditation with authority derived from the State and represent the UK in the International Accreditation Forum (IAF). Commonalities between ASCB and UKAS: They […]
Climate Change and Industry Minister Claire Perry launched MERIDIAN on 7/9/18, a new government-backed and industry-led brand for the development of connected and autonomous vehicle (CAV) technology in the UK. MERIDIAN, funded jointly by the government’s flagship £100m CAV investment programme and by industry, will create a cluster of excellence in driverless car testing, along […]
Amsterdam Group white papers of interest: go to https://amsterdamgroup.mett.nl/White+papers/default.aspx Road Works Warning (RWW) In Vehicle Information (IVI) SPaT and MAP Document on safety related message set
Recently published! New workplace exposure limits for 31 substances have been introduced from 21 August 2018. EH40 has been updated to include new and revised workplace exposure limits (WELs) introduced by the 4th Indicative Occupational Exposure Limit Values (IOELV) Directive. It will guide those responsible for controlling exposure to hazardous substances at work.
We are saying goodbye this month to Lindsay Forster, who has been a stalwart of the ARTSM for 22 years, and most recently as our Strategy & Development Officer. Lindsay has provided knowledge, leadership and guidance throughout his service and his determination, support and assistance has been invaluable. Thank you from us all and enjoy […]
The head of highways maintenance at the Department for Transport (DfT) has revealed that the 2019-2020 Incentive Fund’s self-assessment process could be changed to include questions on data and the environment (for more see Highways on Fridays 21/9)
‘HERE’ has introduced the HERE Traffic Dashboard, which is an interactive online tool that accurately visualises real-time and anticipated congestion levels throughout the day in more than 180 cities across the world. Read more in “Smart Highways”